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Monthly Meetings and Other Events
Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month, September through June. Meetings begin at 7 p.m. and are generally held at the MWRA Community Room at the Nut Island Facility located at the tip of Houghs Neck (at the end of Sea Avenue). The room is located on the second floor and an elevator is available. Programs start at 7:30 p.m.
September 9, 2015. Pot Luck Dinner at the home of Lois Murphy, 135 Sea Ave. We always look forward to this annual event where we exchange our summer gardening tales.
October 7, 2015. Grow it, Cut It, Arrange It presented by Cheryl Monroe, a licensed adult educator who strives to have a beautiful pest-free garden on her one-acre plot in central Massachusetts. If you want beautiful fresh blooms from your own garden but don’t have the space for a separate cutting garden, this program will help you select plants you can easily work into your existing garden space. We will be given suggestions for foliage, fruit and other fun additions to make our arrangements POP!
November 4, 2015. Late Winter Pruning. Our speaker is Jan Kettel, a certified arborist and an MA certified horticulturalist. She has pruned trees, shrubs, and woody vines, some over 110 years old, at the Arnold Arboretum where she has worked for over a decade. Not only is she knowledgeable, she is a great speaker according to other clubs who have had her present her program.
December 2, 2015. Holiday Wreath-Making Workshop conducted by Cynthia Lewis who will help us make Holiday Wreaths. Cynthia is our Club’s Vice President, a Master Gardener, a member of the Wollaston Garden Club, and an artist. Please note that the workshop will be held at the Houghs Neck Community Center. There will be a charge for supplies and preregistration is required for this event.
January 6, 2016. Houses of Houghs Neck. This presentation by Patti Williams is certain to be fascinating. Patti is a member of the Houghs Neck Garden Club, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee and noted Houghs Neck historian.
February 3, 2016. Chocolate: From Tree to Table. Betsy Grecoe, floorcloth maker and lecturer for 20 years, and past president of the Tewkesbury Garden Club, will make a presentation using digital images, discussion and demonstration from which we will learn about America’s favorite treat, including its history. Participants will enjoy a taste-testing of some chocolate treats and take home an information booklet with some tried and true recipes. Please note: The location for this meeting has changed to the Houghs Neck Community Center, 1193 Sea Street, Quincy.
March 2, 2016. Rock Gardens. A lecture with slideshow and narration by Jean Anderson. Jean has been gardening for over 37 years in her backyard, is a member of two garden clubs, a presenter at the New England Flower Show and many social groups and garden clubs, has taught garden classes, written many garden articles, and is a retired business teacher. Please note: The location for this meeting has changed to the Houghs Neck Maritime Center located between the public landing and the Quincy Yacht Club in Houghs Neck.
April 21 (Thurs), 2016. Tri-Club Meeting. This event is the Combined Annual Meeting of Quincy Garden Clubs to be hosted by the Wollaston Garden Club. The speaker is Tony Todesco presenting "It Happens to be Spring." Tony's colorful style and expertise make him a sought-after designer, lecturer and commentator. To be held at the Wollaston Congregational Church.
May 4, 2016. The Buzz on Honeybees – a Fascinating Study with Barbara MacPhee. Barbara has been a Beekeeper for over 30 years and Master Gardener since 1986. Beekeeping is a very complex and intriguing study. Barbara will introduce us to the Honeybee’s World: their family, their home, and their work. She brings lots of exhibits, including a mini-hive and tools to work the bees. She will show us products they produce and how we use them. We return to the MWRA Community Room at Nut Island for this meeting.
June 1, 2016. Plant Auction. Our final meeting will be conducted by Stella Izzo as Auctioneer Extraordinaire. This is always fun with our members bringing cuttings and plants from their own gardens to share with each other and raise a little money for our Club. This event will be held at the Thomas Aquinas Hall on Darrow Street.
June 11, 2016. Pruning Workshop. Leo Kelly Park at 9am. Free event for the Houghs Neck Community.
June 18, 2016. A Celebration of our Tenth Anniversary! We invite you to join us at Nut Island (at the end of Sea Avenue) from 10:00am to 2:00pm.
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