Monthly Meetings and Other Events 2016-17
Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month, September through June. Meetings begin at 7pm and are generally held at the MWRA Community Room at the Nut Island Facility located at the tip of Houghs Neck (at the end of Sea Ave.) The room is located on the 2nd floor and an elevator is available. Programs start at 7:30pm.
September 14, 2016. 7:00pm. Pot Luck Dinner and First Meeting of the Garden Club Year at the home of Stella Izzo at 89 Sea Avenue.
Hosts: Stella Izzo, Mary Forrester
October 5, 2016. America's Romance with the English Garden presented by Thomas Mickey. Mickey will show how in the 1890's, mass advertising, faster printing, national magazines and free rural mail delivery made it possible to publish seed and nursery catalogs in the millions and send them across the country, leading to America's romance with the English garden.
Hosts: Marie McLaughlin, Kathy Robinson
November 2, 2016. Birds of Prey, a presentation by Norman Smith, the Director of the Blue Hills Trailside Museum. Smith has worked for the Massachusetts Audubon Society since 1974. During his studies which span over 35 years, Smith has rehabilitated injured birds and triumphantly fostered over 1,000 orphaned owl and hawk chicks into adoptive nests. Mr. Smith may bring a surprise guest with him.
Hosts: Rosie Hegg, Patt McCone
December 7, 2016. A presentation on Bonsai by Houghs Neck resident Glenn Snaith who will share through pictures he has taken through different growing seasons what he has learned about growing Bonsai. He will touch on what soil to use, the best containers to use, watering requirements and more.
Hosts: Joanne Bythrow, Mariel Santos
December 10, 2016. Saturday 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Wreath-Making Workshop with Cynthia Lewis of the Houghs Neck and Wollaston Garden Clubs.
Create a fresh wreath for your front door at this workshop. Provided materials include fresh greens, cones, fruits, assorted decorations and ribbon that will be used to fill a large wreath frame. Bring gloves, scissors, hand pruners, additional embellishments if desired or unusual greens. This is a joint workshop with the Wollaston Garden Club, so space will be limited. Cost is $25, due at signup.
To be held at Houghs Neck Community Center, 1193 Sea Street, Quincy.
January 4, 2017. A presentation on Nut Island History by local historian and HNGC President Patti Williams. Nut Island is a fascinating plot of land located at the northeastern tip of Houghs Neck. Originally four acres, this small (former) island has significance far beyond its size. Patti will discuss various aspects of it history from the 1600s to 1900.
Hosts: Carol Johnston, Betty McLean
February 1, 2017. Succulent Planting. A workshop lead by HNGC member Deb Nigro. Join with other members of the garden club in making a small Valentine succulent plant arrangement. All supplies will be provided.
Hosts: Cynthia Lewis, Susan Lewis
March 1, 2017. Herbs. Presented by Melissa Pace. Throughout human history, herbs have been used by all cultures in a variety of ways including culinary, medicinal and spiritual. The talk will look at how herbs have been used in the past and apply their use to todays' world. Melissa will also have herbs available to smell and taste and will teach us how best to grow them.
Hosts: Donna Berry, Kirsten Chambers-Taylor
April 5, 2017 at 6:45pm. Tri-Club Meeting. This is the Combined Annual Meeting of Quincy Garden Clubs this year hosted by the Houghs Neck Garden Club. The speaker will be Art Scarpa presenting Art Scarpa's Travelling Cactus and Succulent Show. Art's presentation will cover the plant's native habitat and cultural requirements. He will bring with him over 100 plants to show and pass around during the program. To be held at the St. Thomas Aquinas Hall on Darrow Street.
May 3, 2017. Great Public Gardens of New England with Suzanne Mahler. Take a colorful journey through coastal Maine, Tower Hill, Berkshire Botanical Gardens, Elm Bank, Heritage Gardens and several other lovely public venues.
Hosts: Carol Carpenter, Mary Alice Yafrate
June 7, 2017. Our Annual Plant Auction with Stella Izzo as auctioneer. This is our final meeting of the year. Please bring cuttings and/or plants from your garden to share with others and to raise money for the club. Or a bought plant to contribute to the auction. To be held at the St. Thomas Aquinas Hall on Darrow Street.
Hosts: Loretta Carter, Joan Giordani
June 10, 2017. 10AM to 2PM. Springtime by the Sea. Our annual fundraiser! This is a garden tour of five gardens in Houghs Neck. Pick up guidebook at Nut Island from 9:30 to 12:30. Tickets $20 in advance, $25 day of tour. For more information: 617-472-2800.